I fly
This school project involved creating a multi-page narrative storybook. Through this book, I aimed to provoke thought among those who, born as humans and living their daily lives, may question whether we are confined to a predetermined life pattern.
Awards: Adobe Design Achievement Awards, Applied Arts Magazine
I look at birds flying in the sky every day believing that one day I will be able to join them.
I see people walking on the street, keeping themselves busy in their day to day lives. People don’t question themselves why they only walk. They don’t know they have the ability to fly.
They stay in a narrow box of criteria and limit their ability to fly.
At times I’m terrified that I would end up just like them stuck in a small box. I’m worried about forgetting my dream of flying and die not knowing how it feels to be free.
I try everyday to fly to the place where I dream. I try everyday to fly outside of the box created by people in exvuse of being content with their stable life.
I fly